Bible calls for humility and generousity in all Christians
October 9, 1995
I have never written a letter to the editor before, but after reading the letter submitted by Scott Stromberg on Oct. 5, I could not keep silent.
I cannot remember when I have seen such a flagrant example of bigotry and hatred against a group of people as Mr. Stromberg expressed against Christians. His statements that Christians falsified the Bible so they could better seek power and greed and Christian greed goblins are famous for murdering people in wars and moving mountains of gold into their own coffers are unsubstantiated statements which only serve to reveal Mr. Stromberg’s intense prejudice, ignorance and hatred.
Obviously, over the course of history, there have been atrocities performed by people who claimed to be Christians, just as there have been atrocities performed by those claiming to be Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, and every other religion. A true Christian, however, is a person who has yielded control of his or her life to Jesus Christ, and having done so is obedient to the teachings of the gospel.
This includes such commands as Love one another as I have loved you (John 15:12) and In humility, consider others better than yourselves (Philippians 2:3).
True Christianity acknowledges the worth an value of every human being, since Jesus Christ died for each one of us (even those who hate Him). True followers of Jesus Christ have given sacrificially of their money, time and lives not to fill the coffers of greedy priests, but to build hospitals and orphanages, to feed the hungry, to comfort and encourage the oppressed and the prisoner, and to tell a hurting world that Jesus loves them.
If Mr. Stromberg believes that Christians falsified the Bible to better seek power and greed, then I would submit that he has not read the Bible, because nowhere does it condone greed. On the contrary, the Bible teaches humility, generosity and love for all men lessons Mr. Stromberg could learn.
Senior, plant and soil science