Christian Right wants to control sex

By Gus Bode

Jackson County Right to Life President Christine Mize brings up an interesting notion in her letter about how choice begins in the bedroom when the woman chooses to have sex in the first place. Mize also writes that the solution is to obey to word of God. I have had this theory for some time that one of the main purposes of that part of the Pro Life movement who cite their opposition to abortion on Biblical grounds is not just to save the lives of the unborn, but to control the sexual behavior of the general public.

Think about it. The Christian Right opposes teaching sex education in schools, other than teaching abstinence. Kids would never learn how to use birth control that’s a sin, too. Those who have sex anyway and get pregnant have only two options:have the baby ( and keep it or give it away), or have an abortion. Take away the right to abortion and what do you have? Incentive not to have sex until marriage.

It’s an amazing sleight-of-hand scare tactic. By making abortion illegal, you’re saving babies, but you also get to control the sex lives of people you don’t even know by increasing the consequences and guilt of risking sex. It’s not an all-out conspiracy, of course, so let’s call it a side benefit. There are already laws prohibiting certain sexual practices (sodomy, of example, which does include oral sex) between heterosexuals and homosexuals alike.


Overturning Roe v. Wade would present a grand opportunity for Ralph Reed and Randall Terry to indirectly enforce their religious opinions about sex on people of all religions at the expense of women’ s civil rights. Take away a woman’s right to choose in both the bedroom and the doctor’s office? What a rush.

Incidentally, I would advise Mize against comparing the pro-choice movement to Nazi Germany. Hitler, while trying to exterminate an entire group of people, was also an avid pro-lifer who banned abortion and gave medals to Aryan mothers who churned out babies for Mother Germany. Alphonse Karr was right, folks.
