Foolish actions warrant penalities

By Gus Bode

This letter is in rebuttal to the Nov. 2 letter by Steven Myers. It is a pretty picture that Steven has presented to us. However, he fails to mention that the incident with the motorcycle occurred at 11:30 on a school night. He also failed to mention that not only had this individual dropped off a friend, but also had spent at least ten minutes revving his engine next to the dorm before being told to quit. He also fails to mention that the incident involving the truck occurred at midnight on a weekday, that the individual squealed his tires for approximately five to 10 minutes, and that the Coordinator for Resident Life of Thompson Point was a witness to the incident with the truck.

Being that we are all college students, it should be assumed that we all have some common sense. If it is the case, common sense should have told you that it is not wise to carry on such loud activities at that late hour, out of consideration of those around you who maybe sleeping. As a rule of thumb, one should cease all noisy activities about nine or 10 on school nights. No, Mr. Myers’ friend is not in trouble because of some over-zealous RA. He is in trouble because of the lack of consideration of those around him, the lack of common courtesy he displayed, and the lack of responsibility for his actions.

