Tired of Pompous attitudes of the Greek sororities; clean up your act

By Gus Bode

Everyday I read the pathetic letters to the editors claiming the Greeks are the students on campus who take pride in their appearance, excel in academics, devote time to community service, and are individuals. Whatever!!! There are students on this campus who hold academics as a high priority and don’t need a bunch of girls with bows in their hair making them do it for nothing more than upping the reputation of their sorority! I don’t need anyone, bought or not, to help me excel in college. I am an individual. I too pride myself on my achievements and appearance and am not forced to do it to remain in sorority guidelines. I respect your right to be in a sorority but when I see your group walking across campus, wearing your Greek letters and holding your nose in the air, I do not feel the respect is returned simply because I do not wear letters. I look at people as well as life with a straight eye and feel respect is due to the person and not to the organization they belong to.

Finally, I would encourage girls to take a look at the restroom; first stall in Lawson 141. The graffiti definitely shows the attitude of these wholesome sororities. Though you may not have written it, someone in your well-mannered sorority did. Perhaps the sororities on campus could hold a community service competition to see who can paint over the writing the fastest!

