Rso’s must plan for funding
February 13, 1996
Attention Registered Student Organizations. Time for annual funding through Undergraduate Student Government is quickly approaching.
The funds that are available come from the Student Activity Fee which is collected every semester. It is to the benefit of all RSO’s to apply for monies to help with your programming needs.
The purpose of these funds is to further educational opportunities through funding academic, cultural appreciation, recreational/social events, membership drives and alumni services for which no other source of funding is available.
RSO’s are strongly encouraged to cosponsor programs with other student groups, academic departments, and administrative units. Organizations must realize that funds available are limited, and USG cannot act as the sole source of funding for activities/programs.
The funding forms will be available in the USG office on the 3rd floor of the student center starting Feb. 26, 1996. They must be returned by March 9, 1996. This will give all organizations two weeks to complete the forms.
All organizations can help themselves by planning now for next year and identify sources of income. Gather printed documentation for any conference, seminars, workshop, convention or competition to support travel requests. Planning ahead will increase the quality of RSO’s fee application and possibly increase total funds received.
All organizations should participate. USG passed a resolution limiting finding for RSO’s that do not submit an annual fee request. It will be limited in general funding next year to $200 per semester. To make allocations equitably USG needs to know all programs that RSO’s are intending to sponsor. Unexpected/unforeseen events which arise next year may be funded up to the current $1,000 maximum each semester if the RSO submitted an annual fee allocation request.
I encourage all members of organizations, especially future officers to be involved in funding process and make sure your organization doesn’t lose its opportunity to receive funds.
Start planning now. Pick up your forms after Feb. 25, turn them in on time, attend your review hearing when scheduled and then put your student fees to a valuable use next year.
USG Finance Committee chairman, College of Business and Administration senator.