What criteria is used for definig a hero?

By Gus Bode

Be careful! Recent events would have you believe that everyone who is living with AIDS is a hero. I agree that it is courageous to go on living every day knowing that it may be your last for even more reasons than the average person. That the slightest illness could mean death. although should the title of hero be put on every one of these people?

There is one such questionable hero in the headlines. This hero has proven that no matter how much money you have that you too can get the virus. Does that make them a hero? Are they to be looked up to for everything?

What if this person had contracted that disease from a lover? What if this person was having an affair with an infected person? Would they still be a hero? Does playing professional basketball make you a hero? Does being able to make fantastic hook shots make you a hero? Does coming out of retirement to play the game you love make you a hero? Does cheating on your wife make you a hero?


Aviation flight management, senior
