Letter ignores reality of military units

By Gus Bode

I am responding to Mr. Lambert’s comments that were presented in the Tuesday edition of the Daily Egyptian.

I would like to start by saying, Mr. Lambert, you are extremely ignorant to the truth of war and the ways which those in non-combat helped my unit and every other forward combat unit in military history. While a member of the Marines 1st Light Armored Vehicle Battalion in Somalia and Operation Desert Storm, we depended on those in non-combat roles, particularly those in desk jobs. They provided my reconnaissance unit, and other combat troops working with us, with intelligence reports, pay and motivation.

As is plain to see in reference to your letter Mr. Lambert, you know nothing about the interconnected military unit working as a team.


May I suggest next time you choose to make a false accusation and charge people with not deserving of recognition, you open your eyes and realize how many people helped you along the way. If I must say it in clearer terms, See the big picture and do not be so narrow minded.

I challenge you, Mr. Lambert, to educate yourself upon the importance of non-combat roles in the military.

Sophomore, College of Science
