Shawnee ruling paralells crucifixion

By Gus Bode

Too bad so many of us missed a Good Friday pageant enacted seven weeks early last Friday in Benton. Members of RACE carried out the role of the Pharisees. St. Peter’s denials were performed by the Shawnee Forest supervisor. The role of the other disciples in hiding were played by persons like me who understand the truth about forest ecology. Their absence was arranged by staging the production Off the Forest with no notice of date or time to the public.

There had been an article in the newspaper months earlier promising an Old Testament pageant with King Solomon. Apparently the judge in Benton did not feel his robe was elegant enough, so he chose to play Pontius Pilate. The Forest Plan developed over years of open meetings and public input was duly crucified. Instead of the customary three days until Easter, a resurrection is planned after three years.

Professor Emeritus and visiting research professor, plant biology

