Marchers to take back night
October 2, 1997
DE Campus Life Editor 9
Leena Barta said she is taking back the night to heighten the awareness of sexual and physical abuse against women and children in Southern Illinois.
Tonight’s annual Take Back the Night Rally is part of this week’s Women’s Safety Week activities. The march is sponsored by the Women’s Center Rape Action Committee, 408 W. Freeman St.
Barta, a graduate student in psychology from Texas and an employee at Women’s Services, said she got involved in the march because of her interest in women’s safety.
The march will begin at 7 tonight at the Interfaith Center, 913 S. Illinois Ave., and proceed downtown to the Carbondale Pavilion.
It’s a candlelight vigil and a peaceful demonstration, Barta said. We want people to know that they can report sexual assault, and they will be believed. I want people to know if they have been assaulted that they will be listened to.
Barta said people are encouraged to bring candles and flashlights as a symbol of freedom for women at night. She said that traditionally, women have been trained to be afraid of the night.
It is a symbol that the community is watching, she said. We’re lighting the night and darkness with our awareness.
Carbondale Police Chief Don Strom, a guest speaker for the march, said it brings a strong, positive message to the community.
The rally sends the message that we are all united, and we want to make the community safe for women and children, he said.
There also will be speakers this year who will address sexual assault against children and domestic violence.
Sexual assault survivors are invited to wear arm bands to show that they are recovering from violence.
Taking back the night means we want to take our personal space back, Barta said. We want to demand our personal safety and space outside, in our homes and in our workplaces.
Factoid:The Take Back the Night rally begins at 7 tonight at the Interfaith Center, 913 S. Illinois Ave.