Union accepts calendar change
October 28, 1997
DE POlitics editor 14
The SIUC faculty union has voted to maintain the calendar for spring semester and establish a campus-wide committee with faculty union representation to consider the 1998-1999 calendar.
The vote comes on the heels of an Oct. 16 agreement between the faculty union and the administration, who reached a tentative agreement regarding the calendar change. The change was pending Monday’s vote.
The calendar negotiations have concluded, Jim Sullivan, faculty union president, said. It’s an example of the faculty and administration coming together and moving quickly in an issue of major importance to University.
The agreement states that the spring calendar shall remain the same, but if faculty members have a conflict with their classes or other activities, they can work out solutions with their department chairs or directors.
In September, the faculty union filed a demand to bargain notice in regard to the calendar. The notice stated that the administration should begin bargaining the University’s calendar immediately.
A February revision to the calendar shortened winter break one week, making spring semester begin Jan. 12. The calendar originally was drafted in January 1996, and spring semester was scheduled to begin Jan. 20.
In February, SIUC Chancellor Donald Beggs revised the calendar so students could finish earlier and get summer jobs quicker. He said the change also would let students participate in intercession courses earlier.
Some faculty, however, complained this change came to late and that they already had plans for that week.
To further compound the problem, both the 1997-1998 Undergraduate Catalog and the fall class schedule guide provided incorrect information. Both stated spring break began a week later than it actually does.
Monday’s agreement, designed to prevent future revisions without faculty input, further states that a campus-wide calendar committee will consider next year’s calendar. The chancellor will consult with the committee when developing the calendar, although the chancellor maintains the final right to determine the calendar. There will be a four-week break between fall 1998 and spring 1999.
The vote was informal and mailed to all SIUC Illinois Education Association / National Illinois Education Association members. The ballots were returned and tallied Monday.
Sullivan did not release the exact numbers of the vote but said the overwhelming majority voted in favor of maintaining the calendar.
Prior to the vote Margaret Winters, spokeswoman for the administration, said that the agreement was the culmination of a good but long six-hour working session.
She said the agreement is a step forward but that she could not estimate how long full contract negotiations could last.
We all want to finish as quickly as we can without cheating the contract, she said. The quality of the contract is the most important thing.