DE coverage of woods important
December 3, 1997
I wanted to write this letter to commend the Daily Egyptian for continuing the coverage on the Thompson Woods issue. Thompson Woods has been neglected for so many years, and it will take many years for it to get back to good standing. There are a few places that still need to be worked on. However, professor Philip Robertson has really started to lead the fight in resurrecting the woods.
We at SIUC are lucky to have Thompson Woods to walk through every day. It is such a beautiful area that leads us from class to class. I remember when I came down to visit SIUC to see if I wanted to attend college here, and I noticed the impressive environment around the campus. Along with many other details, the beauty of this campus made me want to attend this school.
I am very proud of our campus, and I hope that when people walk through Thompson Woods they remember that we are one of the few campuses that have such an area. So next time you walk through Thompson Woods, take a minute and enjoy the scenery.