USG implements plan to curb landlord-tenant disputes
February 10, 1998
Daily Egyptian Politics Editor
Undergraduate Student Government is introducing a standardized lease at a forum Thursday, and USG members say they hope the lease will curb landlord-tenant disputes in the future.
Kristie Ayres, USG executive assistant, said the forum will feature discussion between Carbondale landlords, students, members of the Carbondale City Council and SIUC administrators.
We want to see what people think about a standardized lease, Ayres said. By discussing the lease we’ve written, we can see if there is something the landlords disagree with and something the students disagree with and then work toward a compromise.
Christian Schoonover, USG housing commissioner, said the forum will not be an open season on landlords.
We don’t want to listen to complaints only, he said. We want to hear about the positive things in existing leases. We want to give landlords and students something to work with.
She said when both landlords and potential tenants can agree on a standardized lease, USG will push the city council to approve the lease for city-wide use.
She says she thinks the council will pass such legislation.
I see no reason why they wouldn’t pass it, she said. It will only help their constituents.
Ayres said USG sent invitations to 40 local landlords for the forum.
Ayres said landlord Jeff Woodruff has confirmed his presence, but she was unable to confirm the acceptance other extended inviations.
Mike Wadiak, owner of Heartland Rentals, could not say if he would attend the meeting.
I really don’t know what my schedule is like, he said.
The landlord-tenant relations forum will be 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday in Student Center Ballroom D.