Sanders’ decision on next SIUC chancellor imminent

By Gus Bode

Daily Egyptian Politics Editor

SIU President Ted Sanders likely will make his recommendation for SIUC’s next chancellor to the Board of Trustees at its meeting Thursday.

Sanders will choose between chancellor candidates Jo Ann Argersinger, provost for University of Maryland Baltimore County; Luis Proenza, vice president for research and dean of the Graduate School at Purdue University; Frederick Dobney, executive vice president and provost at Michigan Technological University; and Scott McNall, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at California State University at Chico.


Jack Dyer, university relations executive assistant, said Sanders visited Dobney two weeks ago and finished a visit with Argersinger last week.

Dyer also said Sanders had not indicated who he would choose.

President Sanders plays very close to the chest on this kind of stuff, Dyer said. He hasn’t told me anything.

The Board of Trustees meeting will begin 9 a.m. Thursday in Student Center Ballroom B.
