Dear Editor:In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, and things were simple. Then, God created humans and had a purpose for them. They were to be his and his only. Later, Lucifer tricked Eve by telling her that she would not surely die for eating the fruit of that knowledge, but she would be like God, knowing good and evil. Eve gave some to her husband. Then, the world changed. Sin

By Gus Bode

So generations and generations go by and things have changed, some for the good and some for bad. The things that are bad are still for the glory of God, for all things will always turn out for the good in the long run because God is still in control. It may seem like at times that God is not in control, but he is. The world makes you believe that the world is a good crutch to lean on by its ways, but we all know that it is not. There is nothing in this world perfect. As humans, we have limits because we are all mortal. You can make appointments and schedule things and you can reschedule things and miss appointments, but there is one appointment that is scheduled for everyone that you will not change or reschedule:death. So I guess Jesus Christ would make a good crutch, for there is an eternal life after physical death.

People are too worried about the short life on earth and put too much into it, for mortals die and people think that they never will, especially the young between the ages of 16 to 25. But the older you get, the more mature you become, and you realize that life is short, maybe 80 to 100 years. What is this to an eternal life? Life itself is nothing but a grain of sand on the beach.

