Sam/Sara:this one isn’t signed. -Jen

By Gus Bode

Dear Editor:One year ago today, great symbols of American strength and progress – the World Trade Center and the Pentagon – were attacked with the loss of thousands of innocent lives, Illinoisans among them.

The Sept. 11 attacks shattered the sense of security most Americans once took for granted. Americans were mindful of terrorist threats abroad, but for the first time, we questioned how safe we were at home. The anthrax attacks of October 2001 taught us that the threat is much broader, taking many forms – and is often invisible.

While our military responded decisively overseas, taking the war to the terrorists’ bases, training camps and mountain hideouts, securing our homeland from terrorist attack is a very different challenge, of vast scale and complexity.


Since Sept. 11, 2001, our nation has taken steps to protect the U.S. population from terrorist attacks. Citizens, businesses and government have worked together to a degree seldom seen in American history. Congress has passed important laws that have improved aviation security, tightened our borders and better safeguarded critical infrastructure. Congress has acted to strengthen the ability of our law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute terrorists, boost the nation’s defense against bioterrorism and other weapons of mass destruction and improve information sharing among our intelligence agencies. I do not believe these measures are sufficient yet, but they are a start.

Still more reforms are on the horizon, including the likely creation of a Cabinet-level Homeland Security Department to re-orient government to meet terrorist threats against Americans at home, consolidating critical transportation and border security, immigration, emergency preparedness and response, and intelligence functions of the government.

Yet Americans question the adequacy of each of these measures. Will the new searches and other security procedures at our airports truly protect all air travelers? Are the tougher border controls keeping terrorists our? If the nation wasn’t prepared for Sept. 11, how can anyone be sure that we’ll be ready for the next attack? In fact, we can’t guarantee anyone’s security. All we can do is try our best to counter the threat that now exists all around us.

Much remains to be done. We face ever-changing circumstances. Today’s terrorists can strike out at any time, any place, with virtually any weapon. Terrorists exploit and target the openness and freedom that defines us as a nation.

On this day of reflection – consecrated by the blood of our brothers and sisters – we honor their lives by renewing our commitment to courage, hard work and devotion to all we hold dear.
