Dear Editor:I have experienced many trails and tribulations in my life, the majority of which were due to the lack of morality and ethics of the people involved. I ask all who read this to take a look at your own morals and ethics. What really binds us to do the right thing? It is certainly not the fear of a higher power through religion, nor due to the laws and regulations that bind us together a
October 9, 2002
Is the world so jaded that we will not care or look to see the effects of our own lack of ethics and morals? We have seen what can happen when people lose their morals and ethics. We turn to Martha Stewart, Enron and Arthur Anderson to see how and why they have collapsed, and most importantly, the effects that have resulted. I can almost guarantee that no one thought about whom he or she was going to harm or even about how many people it would affect. One careless thought can ruin someone’s dreams. It can crush a future in the wink of an eye. The effects are wide-ranging, but nonetheless extremely destructive.
No one seems willing to put themselves on someone else’s shoes to see what the consequences are, much less even take responsibility to correct a wrong. Most people will not take the responsibility for their actions when it comes to doing the right thing or saving their own reputation. Most people will deny even the sheer fact of responsibility, placing the blame on someone else or lying about whom exactly has the real power, when in fact it is those individuals in charge who have the power but are unwilling to take any responsibility.
I must say that it has become the norm in this world. I find it depressing to think no one has any ethics or morals left to do what is fair and right. I have to ask:Is it all right to ignore our morals and ethics? Is it fair to destroy someone’s future over something that is inconsequential, to the point of absurdity? Unfortunately, I have to say that it has become commonplace. I draw this from my personal experience. I will say that I don’t agree with what has become the social norm. I believe it is far better to risk a little to benefit another than to ignore the effect we can have.