Season ticket push includes prizes

By Gus Bode

Drive for 25 wll ive trip, party and guest coaching opportunity as incentives to refer friends

In an effort to increase the community’s interest in Saluki football the SIU athletic department announced a new campaign called “Drive for 25.”

According to a press release from the athletic department, the purpose of the campaign is to increase the number of Saluki football season tickets sales through a point-accumulation contest. The goal of the campaign is to reach 2,500 season ticket holders before the 2005 football season begins.


The contest, which runs through August 26, is based on a point system. Each person purchasing a season ticket receives one point. Everyone who sells a family package season ticket receive three points.

Those competing will be awarded prizes based on point totals. The Saluki fans with the highest numbers of points will win prizes such as a trip for two to the 2005 season’s Northern Iowa game, an opportunity to be a guest coach at a Saluki home game or a free tailgate party for 20 on Saluki Row during the football season.

Ticket manager Brad Peitz said fan who wins the guest coaching position will receive a sideline pass and watch the game from the sidelines with the team.

“They will literally be able to be down by the players and team on the sidelines,” Pietz said. “I’m not sure if Coach Kill will let them call any plays or not, you never know,” Pietz said.

Peitz said over 1,900 season tickets were sold last season. He said the athletic department is confidant the “Drive to 25” campaign will boost the number of sales this year.

While the athletics department introduced the “Dawg Pound” to increase student attendance at basketball games last season, Peitz said the “Drive for 25” campaign aims to increase community interest in SIU athletics.

“The Dawg Pound is geared more toward the students,” Peitz said. “This is for faculty, staff, alumni, and the community,”


Individual season tickets cost $60 for adults, $55 for faculty/staff/emeritus, and $30 for those 18 or under. Family plan season tickets include the admission of two adults and three children for $180.

Reporter Hilary Matheson can be reached at [email protected]
