Letter: Lowery paid too much next season

By Gus Bode

Dear Editor:

I am appalled that a public institution of higher learning places such a high priority on making a star out of a coach and such a low priority on educating the public.

Your recent and completely unserious poll asking “How do you feel about Coach Lowery’s salary raise to $750,000 per season?” came as a slap in the face only two days after you announced on behalf of the university administration that the College of Applied Sciences and the Arts is to receive a $552,000 budget cut next year.


Personally, and I believe many SIUC students would agree particularly students who have to work their way through school and don’t have the luxury to party their way through school I think that Coach Lowery is being paid $552,000 too much next season, and that we can make it so that the College of Applied Sciences and the Arts does just fine next year.

This issue obscenely demonstrates that the administration’s loyalties lie purely with the image of SIUC, and not with the interests of the working people and the poor of the region who desperately need an educational opportunity. That is what a public institution of higher learning should be all about!

Charles Groce teaching assistant department of mathematics
