Letter: DE can’t be trusted
October 17, 2007
Dear Editor:
When I read the editorial in the Oct. 12 Daily Egyptian I was appalled. For a campus newspaper to boldly state that the president and Board of Trustees failed them is terribly disrespectful, hateful and libelous.
Your mission statement printed directly below your monstrosity states: ” The Daily Egyptian… is committed to being a trusted source of news, information, commentary, and public discourse, while helping readers understand the issues affecting their lives.” Through this commentary, which I assume is the opinion of the entire editorial board, you are not providing any commentary, only a statement of your opinion. How are you helping readers understand the issues affecting them? You give them facts on the front page and then you completely negate them on the sixth page. Perhaps something constructive could have been stated. A column on the differences in plagiarism and academic dishonestly from 1984 to the present would be insightful, relevant and would help the reader better understand the situation.
Obviously, the DE can’t be trusted by the students, faculty and community. This is a sad day. The well known, cultural depravity of your newspaper has now entered a realm or moral depravity. I hope to receive an apology, and I for one will continue to support Dr. Poshard, the Board of Trustees, and the university. I am proud of their work and respect them all.
The DE and its editors should be ashamed of the mockery that they are making the university out to be. I for one will NEVER read this publication again.
Will Biby
senior studying music