Blog: Poshard talks bailout

By Gus Bode

SIU President and former U.S. Congressman Glenn Poshard urged lawmakers to ban together and put partisanship aside with the nation in the midst of an economic crisis.

Poshard, who served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1992 to 1998, said it is crucial representatives come up with a plan to address the plummeting market, but it was obvious the plan the House shot down on Monday did not meet demands.

“I don’t think there’s any doubt in the mind of most Americans that Wall Street and Main Street are inextricably bound together,” Poshard said. “It’s finding the right kind of plan that’s the key here.


“Right now there’s just not enough members of Congress that believe the plan that was put out there was good enough. Obviously they’re going to keep working on this and they’ll get it right at some point. I think within the end of the week we’ll see a bill passed that will at least rectify some of these problems. But I still believe we’re in for very tough times.”

Poshard said the crisis has hit many where it hurts.

“We worry constantly about our investments. I’m not talking just about my family, but the university and probably every other institution in this country right now,” he said.

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