Letter from the Editor

Dear Readers,

As the first Black female Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Egyptian I am happy to provide you with our annual Black History Month Edition. SIU is a university that has made great strides in diversity within the past few years. We have a Black Dean of Students Jeffrey McGoy, our first black Chancellor Austin Lane, and in our new College of Arts and Media Interim Dean Olusegun Ojewuyi. 

Black exists beyond the month of February. There has been a historical infringement on the free speech of Black people in America. Freed Black people were not granted the rights to read and write (legally) until 1860. In this edition, the staff at The Daily Egyptian newspaper wish to amplify voices that were onced silenced and celebrate a culture and people that have been so integral in the advancement of this country. 


We wish to not only put a magnifying glass on the struggles of Black people but to also showcase their accomplishments throughout history.  For information on Black History Month events please visit: Black History Month | Student Multicultural Resource Center | SIU

We hope you enjoy, 

Oreoluwa Ojewuyi, Editor-in-Chief 
