USG five for six on allocations

By Clance Cook

The Undergraduate Student Government approved every funding proposal except one during its Tuesday meeting.

USG approved funding for groups such as Chi Alpha, Saluki Thon and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, but Alpha Kappa Psi, a co-ed business fraternity, was denied funding for $645 to cover conference hotel expenses.

Parth Modi, a senior from Lombard studying finance, and Liz Villagran, a senior from Chicago studying mortuary science and funeral services,


“It helps our members build personal and professional skills and allows them to network with business professionals,” Parth said.

really hard to see that connection.

— Adrian Miller USG Senator

Beyond the Alpha Kappa Psi rejection, USG allocated Chi Alpa $1,000, Wildlife Zoology $1,500, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship $750, the American Marketing Association $500 and Saluki-Thon $150. USG now has $7,490 left for the rest of the semester, according to a presentation by Newsome.

USG Senator Adrian Miller said he did not see how the conference would help the university.

“My biggest issue with funding things like this is that I don’t see the impact on the greater student body,” Miller said. “If you were bringing a speaker in, then I would be OK with it and it is really hard to see that connection.”

Kenny Newsome, USG finance committee chair, said any RSO that requested funding for hotels was denied in prior semesters. However, he said the organization can fund hotel stays as long as all members who participate in the event are current university students.


“Kenny, the head of the finance

committee for USG, is in our fraternity. (The) thing was, they just literally found out that they could fund hotels, and all of a sudden the RSO the finance chair is a part of is now asking for funding for hotels,” Modi said. “It isn’t our fault that they didn’t have that information before. USG should know what they can and cannot fund.”

Beyond the Alpha Kappa Psi rejection, USG allocated Chi Alpa $1,000, Wildlife Zoology $1,500, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship $750, the American Marketing Association $500 and Saluki-Thon $150. USG now has $7,490 left for the rest of the semester, according to a presentation by Newsome.
