The SIU Board of Trustees met on Oct. 7 at 2 p.m. to discuss the Resource and Allocations Management Program in the fiscal year 2022.
The board approved the prioritized list that contained three priority capital projects, an Alton Dental Consolidation in SIUE, Agricultural Sciences Renovation in SIUC and a Medical Education Building in SIUC-SOM.
Vice president for financial and administrative affairs Duane Stucky presented the request to the Board of Trustees and he gave details about the three projects.
The Alton Dental project will construct a new building housing all the clinical operations, academic classrooms based in an auditorium and renovating an existing building that is used for research space, Stucky said.
The Agricultural Sciences Renovation Project involves renovations of the original Agriculture building and adds 107,000 square feet to the building, Stucky said.
The medical education building in the School of Medicine project will construct a new building of 100,000 square feet for teaching and learning resources and many more, Stucky said.
The capital request also contained a list of capital renewal projects for the Carbondale campus, the School of Medicine and SIUE campus. This list is an update for current facilities.
Last year, the financial and administrative affairs office’s capital bill was approved by the Governor of Legislature and they received approval of two regular capital projects, a communications building in Carbondale and a health sciences building in Edwardsville, Stucky said.
Staff reporter Janae Mosby can be reached at or on Twitter at @mosbyj.
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