Board approves quality increases for both campuses
July 11, 2013
The SIU Board of Trustees met in Springfield Thursday to approve projects to increase the quality of education at both the Carbondale and Edwardsville campuses.
The board approved funding for $593,207.35 in new dental laboratory equipment at SIUE, which includes 63 pre-clinic simulators, dental LAD lights and bench top mouths.
The board also approved funding for SIUC to have a contract with Otis Elevator Company, allowing for maintenance, service and repair of 21 elevators and four escalators in university housing and the student center.
The service dues were approved to broadcast PBS programming for WSIU and WUSI, the universities’ television and radio stations, for the next fiscal year. This will allow the purchase of new DELL computers for computer labs as well as electronic texts and online materials. New contracts for electricity and plumbing were also approved by the board.
Matt Daray can be reached at [email protected] or 536-3311 ext. 254.